In my recent job position, I am now in Sales spending most of my day in the car driving to each stop on my sales route.  I’ve been wanting something motivational and sales-y to get me going.  I am still reading Napolean Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, which I promised would be done soon in an earlier post.  Well, I have gotten much further.  I only lacked two more chapters, when I found at the library the 8 disc set of the original classic version.  Then I started listening to it and following along in the book.  No, not whilst driving.  As soon as I got home from the library, I started listening without stopping for 3 hours.  I find it much easier to read, concentrate and capture the information through two senses.  I am now on disc 5 and will write about it soon.  (more…)

Since the advent of the internet, global information is at our finger tips. In my research for finding a great discount brokerage firm, getting advice on debt elimination, how to live frugally, and which investments make sense for me, I’ve visited varios sources, websites, books and radio. Here are some of the most popular ‘go-to’s’ by category:

Eliminating Debt:

  • Dave Ramsey radio personality, book author
  • Suze Orman tv show host, book author

Personal Finance Blogs:

Who knew?  Why didn’t it even dawn on me that Goodwill and other local thrift stores sell books?  Decent books. Hardback for $2.50 and Softback for $1.50.  After having this discovered this truth, I went on a spree and purchased a plethora of books.  Now, let me explain, my spree was not just a wild free-for-all, I selected titles and authors in which I was already interested.  Books on personal finance, health, leadership, and self-improvement.  The stiff spine on 5 of these books indicates to me that they are new, unread books.  What a find!  Retail I would have spent $366.64 but in reality I paid $38.51.  Below is the list the books I bought and the retail price/purchase price.

The newest items to my library collection are:

The Road to Wealth by Suze Orman        $29.95/$2.02

Mad Money by Jim Cramer         $25.00/$2.50

Guide to Financial Independence by Charles Schwab      $12.00/$2.50


Admittedly, I’ve been scanning the jobs boards.  I came across a job posting stating something typical like “xyz company seeking abc candidate to perform 123”.  Then the last statement was simply this- “Do not apply if you don’t know who Napoleon Hill is!”  How intriguing.
Nowadays most people don’t have time for books but this extraordinary hiring manager has not only read significant books but has chosen not to even consider an applicant who doesn’t know about a particular author.  In fact, perhaps the reader of this blog does not know who Napoleon Hill is.  Well first he’s an author. An inspirational author of a best selling book of all time, Think and Grow Rich (1937).  Wikipedia has this to say about him:


Now this book, I found to be the most complex and thought provoking of the recent books I’ve read. I plan to read more Spencer Johnson books and his One Minute series. Yes or No The Guide to Better Decisions is a story about a young man who embarks on a hiking trip with a group of others.  They use this hike to reflect on their decisions and analyze how they could have made better decisions, sooner. There is a certain criteria that must be evaluated if you, we, are to arrive not only to good decisions, but better ones. Here I will review the Map to a better decision.

The Yes or No system lets you

  • focus on real needs, versus mere wants
  • create better options (more…)